How to replace the plucking machine rubber fingers

Plucker machine rubber finger/rubber bar

The rubber fingers are the very important parts of a plucking machine and are easily destroyed during the daily heavy using, so we need to know the way of replacing the rubber fingers as quickly as possible.

الخطوة الأولى هي إزالة الإصبع المطاطي المستخدم:
Holding the rubber finger by one hand, then inserting a screwdriver (straight type) into the edge of the rubber finger by the other hand and prying up to take out the broken rubber finger.

الخطوة الثانية هي إدخال إصبع مطاطي جديد:
Holding the new rubber finger by one hand and taking a screwdriver (straight type) by the other hand. Insert the rubber finger to the hole by the screwdriver.