Automatic bell drinker, poultry bell drinker, PLASSON drinker

automatic bell drinker
2 models of Automatic bell drinker, the one with Grille Ring (the right one) is mainly for small chickens

The Bell Drinker is also called automatic drinker or bell waterer, which could provide the water distribution effectively to chicken flock from the day old chicks to their matured and growth period.

Nowadays in the global market, 95% of the Automatic bell drinker is the Balancing Kettle type which is consisted of a shell, a small neck counterweight pot and the water control accessories. But from the feedback of the poultry farmers, they want the bell drinker in more easy installation, more easy in cleaning and more economic…Based on that information we upgraded the Automatic bell drinker to a more simple style which we called it “Balancing bowl type”.

Automatic bell drinker
Automatic bell drinker “Balancing Kettle Type”, PLASSON drinker
Αυτόματο ποτό κουδουνιού, πότης PLASSON
Automatic bell drinker “Balancing bowl type”, PLASSON drinker
Automatic bell drinker "Balancing bowl type", PLASSON drinker
Automatic bell drinker “Balancing bowl type”, PLASSON drinker, with Ring grille for small chicken 
Automatic bell drinker, PLASSOn drinker, 470g/unit, 50sets/carton
Automatic bell drinker, PLASSOn drinker, 470g/unit, 50sets/carton
Automatic bell drinker full set components
Full set accessories of Automatic bell drinker, PLASSON drinker
Automatic bell drinker (for small chickens), 300g/unit, 80sets/carton
Full set accessories of Automatic bell drinker, PLASSON drinker
Full set accessories of Automatic bell drinker(for small chickens), PLASSON drinker

Installation Tips for “Balancing bowl type” bell drinker:

  • Rotating the balancing bowl into the clamping slot of the drinker base.
  • Screwing the bucket cap (the water control accessories) onto the balancing bowl.
  • Bottom-up the drinker and fill in water from the bottom inlet (80% full of the balancing bowl is OK) and put on the stopper.
  • Connecting the U-shape water inlet switch with the PVC water pipe which was drilled with holes as water outlet in advance.
  • Connecting the water source, then you can start the water injection.
  • Regulating the water intake by twisting the cap red or yellow. Tighten the screw means the water level will be higher, loosing the screw means the water level will be low. Once the water level reaches a balance, drinker will automatically stop filling the water.

Advantages Of Using The Bell Drinker:

  • Ensures 24hrs all day provision of water supply to your chicken.
  • Keeps their drinkable water always clean and hygienic on regular basis.
  • Easily adjusted to meet the needs of the growing chickens.
  • Ensures a constant and moderate water level to continuously keep a dry floor on your poultry farm.
  • Being made from a rugged plastic, the bell drinker could stand the test of time, even with very active activities from the poultry birds.


  • 10 – 12 bell drinkers are requested for a 1000 matured birds farm. In very warm or hot climates, it is advised to use more bell drinkers to guarantee the water consumption.
  • Make sure the bell drinkers are adjusted to a proper drinking height, which is normally keeping the drinker lip a bit higher than the bird’s back.
  • A pressure regulator is necessary to keep the water pressure stable.
  • Always check the water level by adjusting the water pressure, in case the surrounding area of the bell drinkers are wet, it shows that the water pressure is too high.